Friday, June 3, 2016

World Science Festival NYC: LIGO, the Gravitational Wave Detector

Rai Weiss, Kip Thorne, Walter Isaacson and LIGO
Rai Weiss, Ms. Zap, Kip Thorne

Yesterday I attended a talk given by the physicists who designed and led LIGO, the celebrated gravitational wave observatory.

A few things I learned:
  • Another observatory in Italy will be working by September.  This will help scientists be able to pinpoint where in space future events are happening.
  • These distinguished physicists spoke movingly about the necessity and power of working as a team.  Dr. Thorne described the enormous collaboration required as "beautiful to behold."
  • Dr. Thorne believes our descendants will one day say the gift our age gave to humankind was an understanding of the universe.  That gift comes from SCIENCE.