Thursday, June 23, 2016

Saquisili Market

I wish I could take you all on a field trip to Saquisili.  It's a town high in the mountains in the shadow an active volcano.  On Thursdays, Saquisili has a huge market selling EVERYTHING you could imagine:
Lambs and sheep...

Old car tires turned into bowls...

Live chickens...


Pig parts...

Plus you can get your ripped clothes mended while you wait by one of the sewing machine men!
All the ladies wear these hats, sometimes with peacock feathers tucked into the band.
These women are checking on the plumpness of the guinea pigs.
It's a favorite food here.
I don't think I'm adventurous enough to try it.
Even the little girls wear the hats.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, do you can bring me one if those tire bowls as a souvenir;)
    And I can't believe you won't try Guinea Pig! Doesn't sound like most adventurous friend....
