Sunday, July 17, 2016

From Junk to Art

I'm back in the USA (Minnesota) and went to the coolest place last week.  It's called House of Balls.

This artist takes junk and makes art, using his impressive imagination and some tools I sure wish we had in our Innovation Lab!

The artist (Allen Christian) and me modeling his wacky helmets.

This is a plasma cutter.  It can cut through steel effortlessly and makes sparks go flying!

Allen is using the plasma cutter to make a design on an old kitchen pan.

The finished project!

A collection of old brushes used to make a face.  

Weird stuff was mounted everywhere.

Any guess what this used to be?

This is carved from the same type of object as the one above...Any ideas??

You'll never guess what Allen took apart to harvest all these colorful wooden parts.

Doesn't it seems fun to try making a doll from odds and ends at home?
Do it!

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