Thursday, July 7, 2016


Every morning the most colorful and exotic birds I've ever seen put on a great show. 
The hummingbirds appeared to have no fear of humans.
I could hear, and even feel, their beating wings.
And the forest was teeming with them.
Hope this little clip will play for you.
Birds darted in to feast on the moths who rested on the white sheet.
This guy was staying at Yanayacu just to take bird photographs.
(His camera was a LOT better than my iPhone.)

While I saw all these birds, the pictures below are professional photographs I pulled from the web.
Wouldn't it be amazing to know how to take photos like these?

Long Tailed Sylph Hummingbird
I gasped out loud when I saw this one flit by.

Masked Trogon (male)
Masked Trogon (female)

Male birds are usually much more colorful than females.
Like all adaptations, the unique colorations increase survival and reproduction rates.
 Why would it be advantageous to have more colorful males and less colorful females?

Beryl Spangled Tanager
Collared Inca Hummingbird
Inca Jay
This one was a loudmouth!
Northern Mountain Cacique
Check out those blue eyes!

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