Monday, August 8, 2016

Camp Zap Day 1: Poop, Sand Crabs, and Ice Cream

Today was our first ever day of Camp Zap and it was a blast!  
Stay tuned every day this week to discover where we go and what we learn.
Hard hats on and ready for our tour of the Hyperion Waste Treatment Facility in El Segundo.

The water used by 3,000,000 people - including you! - makes its way here when you flush or wash or do dishes.
Huge machines at the Head Works separate out the non-organic material:
toilet paper scraps, plastic wrappers, sometimes even body parts and money!
The non-organic material gets chopped up and buried in landfills.

There were definitely some foul smells!
The organic materials (yes, poop) get removed here.  Bacteria feast on the waste.
The temperature in these domes reaches 127 degrees Farenheit!

After the water gets treated twice, it looks pretty clean.
Even though we saw seagulls swimming in it and it will get pumped out to the ocean,
it's not safe for human use.

After our fascinating tour, we crossed a bridge and enjoyed lunch at the beach!

We caught plenty of sand crabs and got pretty soaked in the process.

Last stop: Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream!

If only summer could last forever!